Categories in the sidebar
Shovel is all about giving you the information you need. Quickly. That's why we're introducing categories easily accessible in the sidebar of the Task List.
You can:
- Sort Categories
- Edit categories (change name/emoji/delete)
- Filter task list by task categories from the left sidebar
Repeat events on selected days
Crazy irregular schedule? Don't worry. We've got you covered. Simply select any combination of days in the date picker to quickly create events that don't have a regular repeat pattern.
Planned task notifications
Trouble staying on top of things even when they're planned? We've got you! Get notified before you're supposed to start working on your tasks to stay on track.
Reorder columns in the task list
Task list > hover column header > drag
We know that everyone likes to see things differently so now you can reorder columns in the task list to suit your needs.
Mark task complete from the planned task tooltip
Deadline flags in the calendar
Better hover, added line to indicate deadLINE, repositioned to be centered on the deadline, not below it. (it's the little things that count ;)
Other Usability Improvements:
- Remember activities from the previous term (when setting up a new one)
- Sync Google Calendar with an Activity
- Calendar page - fuller colors and notches in the sidebar (thank you for your feedback)
- Always show Google Calendar Sync button in the sidebar
- New default activities when starting a new term (trying to guide you to good habits)
- And lots more!
Bug Smash Highlight 🐛
- Firefox - selecting a timezone - Fixed
- Plan this block - overplanning - Fixed
- And much more